Empowering Our Minds: Simple Steps to Improve Mental Health

At our staff meeting yesterday, we were talking about the mental health crisis in the United States.
Many people are afflicted with anxiety, emotional distress, uncertainty, and despair. Perhaps you too
have felt distressed with the chances and changes of life.

All of us feel frightened sometimes, and all of us feel overwhelmed from time to time. The good news is
that while we have these feelings, we can make changes and we do not have to stay frightened and

November 16, we will be offering a program on Mental Health at 9 AM at the meeting house 80 Route
1:25 Kingston, New Hampshire. We will be talking about practical things that we can do for our mental
and emotional health. Many people can make simple changes in their lives, and enjoy improvement in
their emotional and physical well-being.

Here are some simple things that you can do today to feel better.

  1. Limit your screen time, interacting with social media for prolonged periods of time causes
    anxiety and emotional distress.
  2. Get outside. Being outside for more than one hour a day is associated with improved physical
    and emotional well-being.
  3. Exercise. It doesn’t have to be a workout at the gym. Even strolling down your street can help
    your emotional well-being.
  4. Develop real friendships. Talk to your neighbors, call your family, visit your friends. I have been
    part of a Bible study now for over 20 years, and have developed real, deep, honest relationships
    with those people. These are people who will hold me accountable, encourage me when I’m
    discouraged, and help me when I’m in trouble.
  5. Eat well. What people need for the health of their body can vary from person to person, but
    most of us benefit from a diet, rich and fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole-grain
    carbohydrates. Healthy, fat, such as olive oil, avocado, oil, and canola oil, and help our medical
    and mental well-being. Refined Sugar, saturated, fats, and alcohol can cause emotional
    instability in many people.
  6. Avoid self medication. Many people use marijuana, THC, and alcohol to try to manage the
    anxiety. This often causes a cycle of dependency, withdrawal, and increased emotional
  7. Spend your money wisely. financial instability and disagreements are one of the biggest causes
    of marital conflict. It’s easier to save money than it is to make more money. Choose wisely.

These are just a few of the steps you can take to be healthy in body mind, and spirit!

Over the next several months we will be trying to provide more mental health information to our
community through this website, and through our email program. If you would like to receive our
emails, please reach out to [email protected], so I can add you to our email base.

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New Creation Healing Center

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